Wilmington Historical Cemetery Memorial Day Event
Good Day,
You’re invited to attend the annual Wilmington Historical Cemetery Memorial Day Event, an annual event for the community. This annual event is remembered and honors those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so we can have the freedom we experience every day. It will be held on Monday May 30, 2022, at the Wilmington Historical Cemetery from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm.
This year’s Memorial Day Event by The Wilmington Historical Cemetery Board of Trustees with the Veteran of Foreign Wars Post 2967, Boys and Girls Club of Los Angeles Harbor and other organizations will have a presentation of the wreath, a benediction, 21-gun salute, playing of TAPS, reciting of Logan’s Order, and Civil War Veterans and much more.
Several local dignitaries, veterans, their families, and community members are expected to be in attendance.
Wilmington Historical Cemetery Memorial Day Event is a tradition and an important part of our community and its history.
Please let me know if we can answer any questions. You may reach us at 310-834-4442. I hope you will visit and be part of the day and look forward to seeing you there.
Board of Trustees