San Pedro Bay Historical Society at the Historic Wilmington Cemetery
A beautiful day at the Historic Wilmington Cemetery with San Pedro Bay Historical Society you may find them on:
and Author, educator and former cemetery trustee Olivia Cueva-Fernandez presented a 45 minute talk with a walk around the cemetery.
She is a former L.A. Public Library commissioner, served as regional vice president for the California Association of Cemeteries, and authored a book on Mexican Americans in Wilmington.
Also in presence was Board of Trustees Lorie Mendoza-Geluz Vice President Tony Fernandez Secretary and Carol Maldonado this is a small part what this cemetery represents to remember the past learn about it and to preserve it so it can be shared with others. Look for future events at Historic Wilmington Cemetery
Thank you to the cemetery staff for their assistance in setting up the canopies, and chairs and for being available whatever was needed today.